Write an Effective Nonfiction Book Introduction in 10 Steps + Checklist
A book’s introduction can be the hardest chapter to write. What elements do you have to include in the introduction to your nonfiction book? What should your intro accomplish?

How to Structure Your First Nonfiction Book
You’ve nailed down your book’s thesis, done your market research, and created a list of supporting ideas. Now comes the tricky part: figuring out how to order those ideas.
While it’s tempting to dive right into drafting, taking the time to establish a provisional structure before you get too deep into writing can save you the headache of reorganizing later on.

How (and Why) to Write a Book Review
Writing book reviews can be an excellent professional development tool for authors. Why? Knowing you’ll be writing about a book changes how you read it: Rather than getting lost in the language, you read more analytically, with an eye toward structure, character development, and logic.